October 20, 2021

2503 Foster Ave – Canton CHAP tax credit rehab

Ever wonder what these brand new CHAP tax credit houses looked like before all the highend finishes go it? It takes a skilled eye for sure. The builder for 2503 Foster Ave called me to list his new rahab. I told him that I’d like to come thru a take some construction pictures all throughout the process. I think Canton home buyers apprciate seeing what’s been hide the finished...

8013 Park Haven: Renting vs Buying

Many people renting a home question if they are throwing their money away month after month by not buying a home of their own.  First time home buyers are often shocked to learn that they could own their own home for less than what they are paying in rent right around the corner from their current residence.  Take 8013 Park Haven for example, this home is listed at only...

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